Dr. Victoria Flores' Unconventional Journey in Medicine and Midwifery

Nov 15, 2023

Victoria is a classically trained MD who left her OBGYN residency after learning everything she felt was needed to provide patient-centered care as a community birth worker. And you know what? She nailed it. She now serves the Southern California community as a home birth attendant. In this candid conversation (on a beach in Oceanside, CA), we discuss the pros and cons of our unorthodox path out of the conventional maternity care system and into the homes of women who are determined to have an autonomous birth. We also discuss some other less common aspects of Victoria’s life story that led her to the “light” side of medicine. You’re going to love this one!

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This episode was made possible by:

  • WeNatal - Free bottle of fish oil with purchase of Him + Her prenatals

Medical Disclaimer: The Holistic OBGYN Podcast is an educational program. No information conveyed through this podcast should be construed as medical advice. These conversations are available to the public for educational and entertainment purposes only.

Music provided by EdvardGaresPremium / Pond5

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